The Sustenance Journal



How Women (Unintentionally) Self-Sabotage Weight Loss

#selfsabotage #weightloss

“I have a theory about the human mind.  A brain is a lot like a computer.  It will only take so many facts, and then it will go on overload and blow up.” This quote by renowned humorist Erma Bombeck may seem unrelated to weight loss at first. However, it's a perfect analogy for the self-sabotage many women experience in their weight loss journey. For those who may not remember (or are under 40), Erma Bombeck had a syndicated column in over 700 newspapers and created humor about various family life issues.  She was hilarious. . . but I digress!

Did you know that 69.5% of American women are overweight or obese? That’s more than half the female population – a pretty staggering statistic when you consider extra weight can lead to severe and even life-threatening health problems.

Are you among the many who have tried, and perhaps struggled, to lose weight? If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you've been part of the 69.5% and have probably made several attempts to shed those extra pounds. You're not alone in this journey.

How do I know this? If I search Amazon for “Diet,” I see over 50,000 books available on weight loss. If I search Google for information on “dieting,” there are thousands of results, and it’s a constant topic on news sources. 

If there’s so much information out there about weight loss and how to lose weight, there’s a clear desire for weight loss. Then why is it 69.5% of women in this country are still overweight?

We have the information we need – in fact, we have way more information than we need.  Which diet is the best?   Should I diet at all?  Is cabbage helpful for weight loss, or is it kale this year? Should I do cross-fit? Run? Swim? Yoga? There are so many options!

When women were polled to find what information would be most helpful to them in their weight loss struggles, the overwhelming result was learning more about self-sabotage. 56% of women surveyed said they were frustrated because they had not followed through on their own goals. 

Women set goals and have good intentions, yet when it's time to hit the pavement and take action, we’re stopped. We feel helpless when it comes to changing our lifestyle. Why?

I believe it is because women are suffering from information overload!  There is so much information about weight loss everywhere we turn, and it’s hard to know what to do or what will work.

It all reminds me of Cinderella’s famous lyrics in the musical Into the Woods.  As Cinderella leaves the ball, she tries to decide if she should stay and let the prince discover who she is or run away.  Here’s her thought process –

Wait, no, thinking it through, 

Things don’t have to collide,

I know what my decision is,

Which is not to decide.

 Cinderella chooses not to make a decision, which ultimately causes her even more pain because it delays the inevitable.

Many women do this when it comes to moving forward on their weight loss goals. They unintentionally self-sabotage by not deciding how to move forward.

 Have you chosen not to decide?  Have you accidentally gotten stuck in a limbo of too many options, so you don’t act due to overwhelm?

You don’t have to stay stuck! The fact that you’re reading this blog post is a significant first step toward your health and well-being.

Taking that first step towards weight loss can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Remember, progress is more important than perfection. Start by making small, manageable changes you can stick with over time. For example, try incorporating more vegetables into your meals or going for a 10-minute walk each day.

Also, many of us self-sabotage by starting over “tomorrow” or “Monday” after eating something we think we shouldn’t have. We feel like we haven’t done it perfectly, so we give up for the rest of the day, week, or even month. Instead of waiting until tomorrow or next week, start with your next meal or snack. If you slipped up and ate the chocolate, don’t worry. Start again with your next bite.

If you’re looking for a structured yet flexible approach, why not explore Intermittent Fasting? It is one of the best ways I have found to simplify your eating schedule and focus on when you eat rather than what you eat. To help you get started, sign up HERE for my FREE Intro to Intermittent Fasting Guide, and don’t let overwhelm stop you from starting your health journey today! 

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